Martha Ellen (Mattie) Johnson Nichols on left, other woman unknown.
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From The Cairo Evening Citizen and Bulletin, dated Friday, January 8, 1937:
Mrs. Bert Nichols
Mrs. Mattie Johnson Nichols, widow of the late Bert Nichols, died this morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Reid at 511 Twenty-fourth street, where she has made her home the past year.
Mrs. Nichols was born April 4, 1867, and has resided in Cairo for the past 56 years.
She leaves to mourn her death, a daughter, Mrs. S. T. Rumsey of Decatur, Ill, two sons, T. V. Nichols and Bert Nichols of St. Louis, also a nephew, Leroy Johnson of Cairo.
Her husband, the late Bert Nichols, died eight years ago, having served on the police force here for thirty-five years.
Mrs. Nichols was an active member of the Cairo Baptist church and attended the Missionary society when her health permitted. She was a cheerful worker of the Amoma Sunday school class.
The body will be sent to Miller, Ohio, for burial. Friends of Mrs. Nichols may call at the Agey-Stainforth Mortuary to view the remains between 2 p.m. and 10 p.m. today.
Mrs. Lillie Barnes of Olmstead, a lifelong friend of Mrs. Nichols, was called, arriving here this morning.
Rev. W. C. Hart will conduct a brief prayer service at the funeral home at 8:45 o'clock tonight.